
1114 results
Gates Ag One: The Recolonisation Of Agriculture - Independent Science News | Food, Health and Agriculture Bioscience News
...Coupled with increased productivity, this means farmers are better able to meet their monetary needs and overall livelihoods. This fact was corroborated in a study presented at the 2nd International Conference on Global Food Security, through looking at global comparative... (from No Agenda Episode 1296 - "Kraken Keeper")
Flint water crisis - Wikipedia
...House of Representatives on December 8, 2016.[10] The Senate approved it the next day.[11] $100 million of the bill is for infrastructure repairs, $50 million for healthcare costs, and $20 million to pay back loans related to the... (from No Agenda Episode 1054 - "Without Evidence")
Somaliland - Wikipedia
...declared independence in 1991, has a far better democratic track record than any of its neighbors despite'--or, perhaps, because of'--a dearth of assistance from the international community. ... Whereas attempts to build stable state structures in Mogadishu have mostly... (from No Agenda Episode 1622 - "Juice Joe")
Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill '' Bills (proposed laws) '' Scottish Parliament | Scottish Parliament Website
...the bill as a whole, perhaps it might be better to try to bring people together and get our communities to understand what we are doing, pause the bill and build consensus,'' we have been told, ''No'--we cannot wait... (from No Agenda Episode 1646 - "FLOW")
Leo Frank - Wikipedia
...Shortly after Mary's birth, her mother, Frances Phagan, moved the family back to their hometown of Marietta, Georgia.[26] During or after 1907, they again relocated to East Point, Georgia, in southwest Atlanta, where Frances opened a boarding house... (from No Agenda Episode 1520 - "Hambone")
Reconstruction era - Wikipedia
...Johnson favored rapid measures to bring the South back into the Union, allowing the southern states to determine the rights of former slaves. Radical Republicans in Congress sought stronger, federal measures to upgrade the rights of African Americans, including the... (from No Agenda Episode 1148 - "Twitter Rattling")
Henry Ford - Wikipedia
...Ford wrote back: "If they want to elect me let them do so, but I won't make a penny's investment." Ford did run, however, and came within 7,000 votes of winning, out of more than 400,000... (from No Agenda Episode 1434 - "Second Lady")
Strom Thurmond - Wikipedia
...On January 17, 1967, Thurmond was appointed to the Senate Judiciary subcommittee on Constitutional Rights.[103] In March, as the Senate passed an endorsement of the United States antiballistic missile system, Thurmond engaged in a back and forth with Joseph... (from No Agenda Episode 1430 - "Banks not Tanks")
Benjamin Rush - Wikipedia
...His fascination with these people came from his interest in the theory that social scientists can better study the history of their own civilization by studying cultures in earlier stages of development, "primitive men". In his autobiography, he writes "From... (from No Agenda Episode 1520 - "Hambone")
Haj Amin al-Husseini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
...Following the fiasco of the Franco-Syrian War and the collapse of the Arab Hashemite rule in Damascus, his early position on pan-Arabism shifted to a form of local nationalism for Palestinian Arabs and he moved back to Jerusalem... (from No Agenda Episode 767 - "Frontier Science")
Federal Register | Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet
...The benefits of rules and policies protecting an open Internet date back over a decade and must continue. Just over a year ago, the D.C. Circuit in Verizon v. FCC struck down the Commission's 2010 conduct rules against... (from No Agenda Episode 712 - "Kalette")
Scopes trial - Wikipedia
...It can also build gigantic intellectual ships, but it constructs no moral rudders for the control of storm-tossed human vessel. It not only fails to supply the spiritual element needed but some of its unproven hypotheses rob the ship... (from No Agenda Episode 1649 - "Stay Alarmed")
What Is Congress Supposed to Promote?
...Since the supporters of the CTEA have better access to such statistics than itsopponents, opponents might even convince the court to place a higher evidentiary burden on thegovernment. The progress by dissemination claim (that an additional term is necessary for... (from No Agenda Episode 1089 - "Puppet Mouth")
The Maggie Awards recognize contributions made by the media and arts that enhance the public's understanding of reproductive rights and health care issues.
...Additionally, she worked across party lines to build support for the expansion of economic opportunity and access to quality, affordable health care. Secretary Clinton is the author of best-selling books, including her memoir, Living History, and her groundbreaking book... (from No Agenda Episode 1149 - "Couple of Reds")
Amin al-Husseini - Wikipedia
...Following the Franco-Syrian War and the collapse of Arab Hashemite rule in Damascus, his early position on pan-Arabism shifted to a form of local nationalism for Palestinian Arabs and he moved back to Jerusalem. From as early as... (from No Agenda Episode 1608 - "Woke Up Dead")
Federal Employees Can't Talk Trump's Impeachment at Work
...In answering Iraq's invasion of Kuwait with an international coalition, Bush created, for better or worse, the model for continued American interventionism in the post-Cold War era. Bush's decision not to overthrow Saddam Hussein also set the... (from No Agenda Episode 1091 - "Surf n Turf")
American Civil War - Wikipedia
...I think that the North fought that war with one hand behind its back .... If there had been more Southern victories, and a lot more, the North simply would have brought that other hand out from behind its back. I... (from No Agenda Episode 1620 - "Yoko Swifto")
Switzerland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
...The toponym Schwyz itself was first attested in 972, as Old High GermanSuittes, ultimately perhaps related to suedan "to burn", referring to the area of forest that was burned and cleared to build.[16] The name was extended to the... (from No Agenda Episode 825 - "F4K3 80085")
Transgender personnel in the United States military - Wikipedia
Sat, 22 Apr 2023 17:48 The United States Military has a long history of transgender service personnel, dating back to at least the Civil War. Initially, most such service members were women, who disguised themselves as men in order... (from No Agenda Episode 1549 - "Al Gore Rhythms")
Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation and Treatment of Children and Adolescents With Obesity | Pediatrics | American Academy of Pediatrics
...This method incorporates data on children and adolescents with obesity from more recent NHANES surveys to better characterize the BMI distribution above the 95th percentile while retaining the 2000 CDC Growth Chart BMI distribution below the 95th percentile. The CDC... (from No Agenda Episode 1520 - "Hambone")